
Bushey Park Track

Exact location unknown but in Bushy Park

Telephone: N/A
Fax: N/A


Type: Cinder (no longer exists), , lanes, lane straight

Authority: #
Ceremonial County: Greater London

NUTS Name: Teddington

Electronic Map Links:
Multimap 1:10,000 (Street Level)
Multimap 1:25,000 (Area Level)
Multimap 1:50,000 (Area Level)
Multimap 1:100,000 (Road Level)
Multimap 1:200,000 (Road Level)
Streetmap (Street Level)
Streetmap (Area Level)
Streetmap (Road Map)

OS National Grid Reference: Unknown
National Grid Reference: Unknown, Unknown

Paper Maps:
A-Z London Master # 122 (SW)
A-Z London Atlas/DeLuxe # 102
A-Z London # 103
A-Z Surrey # 24
Collins London Comprehensive 177 #
Collins London 82 #
OS Explorer Map: 161
OS Pathfinder Map: 1174
OS/Philip's Surrey 16 #

Train: Teddington

The display of inline maps of track locations is no longer
a free service and so has had to be withdrawn

Please use the Electronic Map links

Sponsorship for www.runtrackdir.com is being sought
Please contact Tim Grose

Other Info:
The track is mentioned in the 1962 AW list of cinder tracks as belonging to the US Air Force who were stationed in the park from about 1944. Some overseas competitors in the 1948 Olympics were billeted here and trained on the track. The exact location of the track is unknown but was believed to be in the northern (Teddington) part of the park probably near the National Physical Laboratory. Bushy Park seems to be the correct name now but Bushey still seems to be in fairly common usage.

Last update: 10/04/1999

Please send any amendments to Tim Grose

UK Running Track Directory
© Copyright Tim Grose 2003