
Emerson's Ground, The Old Hat

Exact location unknown



Type: Unknown surface (no longer exists), 160y, 4 lanes, 4 lane straight

Ceremonial County: Greater London

NUTS Name: London (Eal-OH)

Electronic Map Links:
Multimap 1:10,000 (Street Level)
Multimap 1:25,000 (Area Level)
Multimap 1:50,000 (Area Level)
Multimap 1:100,000 (Road Level)
Multimap 1:200,000 (Road Level)
Streetmap (Street Level)
Streetmap (Area Level)
Streetmap (Road Map)

OS National Grid Reference:
National Grid Reference: Unknown, Unknown

Paper Maps:
A-Z London Master #
A-Z London Atlas/DeLuxe #
A-Z London #
Collins London Comprehensive #
Collins London #


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a free service and so has had to be withdrawn

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Other Info:
This was a sprint ground attached to the Old Hat public house which opened in April 1844 and was originally referred to as Emerson's Ground but was later just referred to as The Old Hat, Ealing. It was reported to be "a very excellent enclosed ground", 160y long and 17 feet wide which is just over 4 lanes wide by today's measurements. A race was reported here on 3rd May 1847 involving George Seward (USA) in which he ran one of his great sprints but the ground was advertised by sale in April 1849.

Last update: 22/05/2000

Please send any amendments to Tim Grose

UK Running Track Directory
© Copyright Tim Grose 2003